Thursday, March 29, 2007

What is new on the next version of the GridExtensions?

Before anyone complains... the drag and drop sample is not working.
Here are some new features that are in the source-code of my codeplex project.
  1. Support for the TreePanel ( sample included in sample project)
  2. New grid properties :WebServiceMethod and WebServicePath,PagingStyle
  3. The grid haves drag and drop column reordering and a header context menu.
Yes... the grid now support calling a webservice method that returns a DataSet.
If you are dealing with paged data then your dataset must have two tables:
The first table contains the records to be showed and the second table contains one row and one column containing the total record count.
The sample project will include a sample for that.
The PagingStyle property allows you to choose between the numbered paging and the navbar paging.(If you choose the navbar then you will get the starting record instead of the starting page in your server-side.).

The only thing you will have to change in your code is the paging on the server-side that is now zero index based.


Anonymous said...

Will be great to see the full aspx example. Is it possible?

rodiniz said...

I have just uploaded a sample project to codeplex.
Just check the release again.

Anonymous said...

I am wondering did you check

Anonymous said...

Great, so how do you use it and do you have documentation?

rodiniz said...

There is a sample project in the releases that shows how to use the controls.