Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Svn Getter

Here is another small gift to my readers. This a small (20 kb) program I wrote in .net 2.0
to help me solve a very simple problem.I wanted to get the latest yui-ext code from svn, just get it.
But I couldn't find a program that just did that...just get it nothing else.
So I wrote one ...
The program is called SvnGetter and its a command-line program that reads the url of the svn project you want to get the files and gets all the files from there , creating directories to match the structure of the svn.
Sample usage:
will get the yui-ext code .
Click on the link below to get the program... to run it you must have .net 2.0 framework installed.
Since this is a command-line program it should run with Mono

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